Saturday, May 24, 2014

Building A Better Pizza - A Little Bit Cheesy

So far I've discussed crust and sauce. Does cheese really need a blog post all its own? Yes.yes it does.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Allrecipes Spinach Enchiladas

I love trying new food. New recipes. I don't know if it's because i grew up in California or what reason, but I love Mexican food. Or, what we in the US like to call Mexican. Enchiladas would top that list of favorite dishes.

Friday, May 16, 2014

The Ultimate Choco Chip Cookie

This recipe comes from doing a little bit of food tinkering in the lab. I'll post the whole sordid details of that little experiment at a later date. But, from that failed experiment comes what I've deemed the Ultimate Chocolate Chip Cookie.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Building A Better Pizza - Feeling Saucy

Many things are easier to describe by comparing them to their opposite. It's easiest to describe light when comparing it to darkness. Cold in relation to warmth. The same is true when it comes to describing good pizza sauce.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Whole Wheat Morning-After Bread

Beer. Coffee. Two great tastes. But, do they actually go great together? Yup. If you try this bread. It is a dense loaf with a lot of flavor. And totally worth it.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Yogurt - Good Milk Gone...Better

Yogurt is kind of like a sweet, tangy pudding. But, good for you. Topped with nuts, grains, and fresh fruit, you've got yourself a protein-packed nutritional breakfast. But, there are some pitfalls to having yogurt on a regular basis.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Overnight Cinnamon Rolls

I love cinnamon rolls. They are one of my favorite specialty breakfasts. Special occasion food. Birthdays, Easter, just becauses. The problem with cinnamon rolls  is that most times they are very dry. Also, as much as I love AB's science his baked goods recipes are often lacking. So, it was with some trepidation that I attempted these.

Building a Better Pizza - The Crust

The crust is to a pizza as a foundation is to a house. If your foundation is faulty, no matter how much care you put into the rest of the building, it will suffer from a weak foundation. The same is true for the crust of your pizza. I'm not necessarily referring to the crust's ability to hold the pizza together. I'm a huge fan of the thin style of crust associated with a New York-style crust. And that definitely is not 'sturdy' in terms of stability.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Anadama Bread

A few years back I received Baking Illustrated. This was around the time I was really starting to get into baking. There was a recipe for Anadama bread that caught my eye. The story behind how this bread got it's name intrigued me enough to try it. It instantly became a favorite.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Building A Better Pizza

I am a huge fan of pizza. Working for various pizza joints in my younger years didn't cause my love to wane. In point of fact, it only intensified my love of pizza, the edible plate of food that it is. And I want to look at why we love this disc of deliciousness and how to make our own best version.